Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Days 4, 5, and 6

Three more days down!  Yay, us!  Overall, I don't think this diet is a bad one.  I think the fact that you can eat "unlimited" turkey, chicken, and fish really makes a huge different.  I've been on diets before that limit everything and when evening rolls around, you are just starving.  With The 17 Day Diet you aren't hungry.  You can make yourself two fish fillets instead of the typical one you would have with dinner, or have another egg (or egg white) in your omelet.  Yes, you are cutting out a handful of items that you usually eat (bread and sugar), but you can always be full.  I think that the hardest thing for us is that we can't have anything sweet (and I mean good, sugar, fruity sweetness) in the evening.  Yes, you can have Truvia (or Stevia--a natural sweetener), but no matter what other people say, it just isn't anything like sugar--it's to sweet.

ANYWAY, we've made it.  It's been quite easy to avoid bad food during the work day (I'm a teacher and the teacher's lounge always seems to have horrible food and snacks lurking in it) since I'm full.  Hopefully the rest of the days will be as smooth as the first 6. 

Below I am going to list down key points of our days, including the meals we ate, recipes we used for meals, tips of the diet, and other little tidbits of information.  Please feel free to comment, add recipes, or chat it up by leaving a comment. 

DAY 4:

Since it was Sunday (the Sunday before returning to work after Christmas break), I used the time to prep some food.  I made Mock Rice to keep in the fridge for dinners throughout the week.  I also made Turkey Meatballs which I cooked half of the batch and froze the other half raw to cook up for a  future meal.  The rice came in handy for two meals this week and the meatballs (the half that I cooked up and put in the fridge) have been handy for snacks and additions to our lunches.  We also hard boiled 4 eggs for snacks which are really filling. 

We used the Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles for awesome egg white omelets which we sprinkled just a touch of feta on the top.  For lunch, my husband made ground turkey burgers with a little mozzarella, rosemary, and garlic salt.  They were super yummy. 

Dinner consisted of snacking on little things (like the meatballs and leftover buffalo chicken dip) and a salad.

DAY 5: 

This was the first day for me and the diet to head into school.  I packed a large (and I mean LARGE) salad with shredded chicken, a homemade lemon poppy seed dressing, and grapes.  I was concerned about getting really hungry during the work day.  For breakfast I made another omelet.

The work day was better than I expected...I wasn't tempted to snack since my hearty omelet kept me full until lunch.  For dinner I made Chicken Fajitas Lettuce Wraps.  They were good and gave us some varying in our dinners.

While I was making dinner, I went ahead and made some smoothies so that I could eat them in the morning without having to worry about using the blender and waking my daughter up.

DAY 6:


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