Friday, January 4, 2013

Beginning My 17 Day Diet

I know that 95% of the population makes a resolution to lose weight, but I'm bound to do it!  After doing a lot of research on the Internet, contemplating buying a number of different weight loss programs, and taking a step back and trying to think about this logically, I decided to give the 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno a shot (  I ordered a book and started planning.  Let the dieting begin!

Yesterday my husband and I started on our weight loss journey.  I was so glad that my husband decided to jump on board...there is nothing more difficult than dieting and not having those around you (especially in your house) supporting you.  And, the best form of encouragement is to have that person join.  So, we jumped in together and hope to both find success. 

Within this blog, I hope to record our journey, listing our success, but also noting how we are following through with the diet.  I wanted to post what our days look like, any recipes we use, and tips for success.  Hopefully others will be able to follow in our footsteps (which I hope will be much smaller).  Feel free to add the details of your journey here, tips, and even recipes that you have found useful. 


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